Find Your Inner Maverick and Change Your Life

    Somewhere in the world right now someone else is living the life you want, simply because they took action

    This book will help you get unstuck, take action and change your life

    Six months from now your life could be different

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    Want to get unstuck?

    Click below to get the book as soon as it's live

    • Are you disillusioned with your career?
    • Do you feel stuck in a rut and craving change?
    • Can’t shake a nagging feeling that there’s more to life?

    If the answer is yes to some or all these questions, it’s time to be inspired and forge a path to a more fulfilling existence. 'Get Your Career Unstuck' is a blueprint to help you go from 'Career Stuck' to 'Career Success'


    • Discover how to break free from self-imposed limitations
    • Identify the core values and priorities you want to live by
    • Open to new ideas and develop a mindset based on constant curiosity and growth
    • Create a realistic plan to achieve your goals based on your strengths and resources
    • Be emboldened to embrace opportunities and the exciting journey ahead


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    Rozalyn Willocks

    Hi, I’m Roz, a seasoned career strategist, founder, and driving force behind Firepower Coaching. With over twenty years of experience in recruitment, coaching, and mentoring, I've developed the Fire Power Method ™ to help my clients get unstuck and empower them to live the life they truly want.
    My background is in recruitment and I hold an MA in Human Resource Management and certifications from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), as well as in neurolinguistics programming (NLP) and emotional freedom techniques (EFT). In 2011, I made the decision to exit the rat race, and since then, I've been dedicated to helping others do the same

    I’m the author of ‘Get Your Career Unstuck’ which offers insights, strategies, and real-life stories to help you break free from the constraints holding you back and step into the life you've always dreamed of. Think of it as a blueprint for uncovering your inner maverick and taking control of your life. Packed with proven coaching exercises and thrilling real-life stories of individuals who have bravely taken the leap, it empowers you to take decisive action and embark on a transformative journey to a more meaningful career



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    Paul Porter

    Co-founder, Being Human at.

    ‘In "Get Your Career Unstuck," readers can anticipate a journey of self-discovery, filled with practical exercises aimed at uncovering 'what's possible' for genuine personal and career fulfilment. The humour sprinkled throughout the book, along with Roz's insights drawn from experience, is complemented by science-backed facts and stories of inspiring
    people who found success on their own terms. Together, these elements offer
    more than hope; they provide a solid foundation for those seeking meaningful
    change and a revitalized work-life. Filled with actionable exercises designed
    to uncover your 'Fire Power,' this book serves as a guide to reinvention,
    whether you're transitioning careers, facing downsizing, or feeling there's
    greater potential waiting to be unleashed. Drawing from my own experience in
    finding passion doing something creative later in life as a trained business
    analyst, this book is like discovering a beautifully crafted planner or
    stationery set—each page filled with opportunities to design a life you love,
    reigniting your passion and setting you on a fresh new beginning’.

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    Carina Lawson

    Founder, Ponderlily Paper & Planners

    ‘With a background in founding businesses, navigating numerous career transitions, and experiencing life across diverse cultures, I deeply understand the significance of aligning your vision and values with your professional path. In this book, you'll discover practical exercises designed to unveil your genuine priorities, providing clarity and confidence as you pursue your career goals. If you find yourself feeling stuck in an unfulfilling
    job, this book equips you with the tools and insights needed to illuminate your
    path, guiding you towards a career journey that authentically reflects your
    essence and enhances your overall life satisfaction’.